Way To Jannah Academy launched its very first course on September of 2020 and it’s amazing that students from different universities joined our very first course course named Tajwid Simplified(a course on Sahih Recitation of Al-Qur’an) and completed by the grace of Almighty ALLAH. We also had some junior students. We provided certificates to our students after the course completion. This course has been conducted in more than 5 batches till now, Alhamdulillah. 

Way To Jannah Academy is a fully online academy which was founded on the 5th of May of 2020 in the glorious month of Ramadan! Our ultimate goal is to enter Jannah. So all our works will be run following Islam, in sha Allah. We fear ALLAH and we want to abide by His rules. In this era of technology people are becoming accustomed to using the internet for education. Most importantly the year 2020 brought us closer to the internet for the need of education and office work than any other time due to the pandemic – Covid-19. This adaptation process is very much important for human beings and the better we can adapt the faster we can move on, in sha Allah. 

We also have a free course running named English For Class 6-12, that is being conducted live on Facebook from our page. 

Way To Jannah Academy wishes to bring different on demand courses like academic courses, skill development courses, corporate courses, research courses, software courses,  for the Bangladeshi community at this moment and we also wish to develop our network internationally to serve more people. 

Seeking knowledge is very much encouraged in Islam and there are some knowledge which are obligatory to have in order to live according to our deen – Islam. And we know that a well educated person is like a diamond in the society who can contribute so much to drive a nation to a better way towards success. 

Our main focus is on educating people. We are aware of the line from the poem ‘সাম্যবাদী’ –

‘বিশ্বের যা কিছু মহান সৃষ্টি চির কল্যাণকর অর্ধেক তার করিয়াছে নারী, অর্ধেক তার নর।’ 

That is why we want to make sure that we have enough involvement of both males and females at our academy.